Why Are The African Orchids So Popular All Over The World? Orchids are indeed some of the most beautiful flowers in the world. The African orchids are characterized by small white flowers unlike the flowers you usually see in other types of orchids which are large and often of bright red, yellow and other such vibrant and attractive colors. The role of the bright flowers is to attract insects to help the flower to pollinate. A Few Things You Need To Know About The African Orchids There are more than 20 thousand species of orchids in the world of which there are about 470 African which in turn are branched off into 53 genera.
Comparatively there are about 1200 hundred genera native of Europe. Nonetheless, the African orchids leave an indelible mark on your heart and mind when you see them for the first time. The African orchids are divided into two distinct species - the terrestrial orchids and the epiphytic orchids.
The Terrestrial Orchids The majority of the African orchids are terrestrial. These types of orchids usually grow on the ground in the forests of Africa, in the savannas or the grasslands so abundantly available throughout the continent. You will also find these orchids growing on bushveld, thorn shrubs, karooid shrubs and fybnos. The highest concentration of orchids in Africa is found in Western Cape region. It has been observed that fire and intense heat promotes flowering in these plants - maybe owing to the fact that they are used to the intense merciless heat of the tropics.
This is a great discovery and piece of intelligence for those who want to grow these wonderful plants in artificial conditions. Simulating the same living conditions of the orchid is in fact the best way to breed them artificially. The African orchids do not have any value from the agricultural point of view nor do they have any critical role in the ecosystem.
The orchids are however considered very peculiar plants that show active and accelerated evolution which has thrilled and intrigued scientists all over the world. The Epiphytic Orchids These types of African orchids grow on trees however they are not parasites as other plants which attach themselves to trees. These are extremely beautiful species which can latch onto trees though they produce their own food either through their roots or leaves through photosynthesis. They would be dependent upon the tree only for the humidity content.
There is yet another type of orchid and that is known as the litophytic or epilithic orchid. This type of orchid always grows on rocks.
Charlie Reese likes to give flowers. In his spare time, he also enjoys Dating and online dating. He is a regular blogger and writer.