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Combating Bird Pests In Urban Areas

There are many different methods of dealing with bird problems. It is necessary before implementing any form of bird control to survey and access the problem and decide on the action applicable. Bird infestations of buildings are reasonably difficult to control and with the absence of sufficient proofing measures re-infestation is highly likely. Birds enter buildings to find food, build nests or simply roost and shelter. The main problems associated with birds: 1) feeding on or contaminating stored products 2) fouling on buildings and causing corrosion 3) fouling on walkways, causing a safety hazard 4) noise 5) transmission of disease via their droppings The main species of birds that are known pests are feral pigeons, gulls, starlings and sparrows.

Around farm buildings, rooks and crows may be added to the list. Feral Pigeon The feral pigeon is found throughout the whole of the UK. Feral pigeons are descended from rock doves which explains why they are often found nesting on building ledges, building structures, under ledges and on girders.

They make they nests from grasses and twigs, but in urban areas, it can also contain rubbish such as pieces of plastic etc. Feral pigeons breed all year round. The brood consisting of two off-white eggs.

Incubation tends to last around 18 days and hitched chicks tend to leave the nest after 30 days. Feral pigeons tend to scavenge for food, and in urban areas they are encouraged by the public feeding them. Pigeons are approximately 300-350 mm and weigh between 275 and 550 grams. Control Bird spiking is the most common way of dealing with pigeon problems as it prevents the bird from landing. The spikes are typically a plastic base (which you can snap to shorten) onto which stainless steel upright spikes are attached. The spikes are available in several different lengths or configurations, which ensures that there is a system for each different type of job.

There are three different types of bird spiking, the P14, P20 and the P32. The number represents the number of spikes per strip. The heavier the infestation, the more spikes required. To help pest specialists knowing what level of treatment is required for bird pest problem, Network Bird have devised practical guidelines based on the 'pressure' that the bird exerts on a given area. High Pressure A high pressure area is one where birds are using the space for night roosting and nest building. Birds will be exceptionally determined to return to these areas, and a heavy duty point system will be require.

Medium Pressure A medium pressure area is one where bird uses the area for daytime perching only. An area near regular food sources or one with shelter. Spikes will be very effective, but birds will try to re-enter the site and may overcome lightweight systems. Light Pressure A light pressure area in one where the bird occasionally lands and sits during the day, A light pressure area is the easiest to proof against and any anti-perching system will suffice.

With the high and medium pressure areas, if the birds are unable to gain access, they will find the next, nearest favoured site. If this is on the same building as you are proofing, it is highly recommended that you proof the whole building. Spike systems are very simple to install and are really suited for smaller sections of protection.

Ideal for ledges, and girders. If applied correctly, they are near invisible to see off ground level.

If you are suffering from a bird problems why not look at some of the many methods of bird control available from PPC Supplies.

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