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Dog Training Aids for Your Dog Training Sessions

Your voice is the most important of dog traing aids when training your dog. Use of your dog's name is probably the next most important of the dog training aids at your disposal. Thirdly, a pleasant, persuasive tone of voice is a must.

Speak to your dog all the time while you're engaged in dog training. Training your dog to retrieve may take some time, and dog training aids can come in useful for this purpose. A very light dumbbell is a good dog training aid to use when training your dog to retrieve. Again, use your voice to effect - immediately your dog takes the dumbbell, praise him repeatedly in a happy voice, and also pet him. Always keep a happy tone with your dog when training.

Becoming angry will never assist in your training efforts. It will only serve to confuse your dog and make him anxious. Your dog always wants to please you. Keep this firmly in mind when dog training. If your dog does not understand what you want him to do straight away, come back to the art of persuasion. And exercise patience with your dog.

As soon as your dog understands what you want him to do, he will take great delight in, e.g. taking the dumbbell from you. In fact, you'll probably find that your dog will be happy to retrieve the dumbbell from you again and again. For example, if your dog does not understand what you want him to do with the dumbbell that you have selected as your dog training aid, try gently placing the dumbbell in your dog's mouth and holding his jaws closed around it. Be careful not to graze your dog's teeth on the dumbbell.

Dog training times are a wonderful opportunity for you to spend one on one time with your dog. Dogs love this. They love training with you, but you will need to be patient at times. Your dog will not always understand what you want him to do, but as soon as he does, he will be happy to comply.

Keep placing the dumbbell into your dog's mouth until your dog actually understands what to do. Once your dog understands the taking of the dumbbell, you need to extend the reach of the item. Place the dumbbell on the ground in front of your dog and ask him to "Retrieve" or "Fetch".

Then start moving the dumbell further and further away from him. Your dog will soon get the idea.

What are the more important features of dog training? Discover what they are, and find out how dog training aids can assist when training your dog to retrieve, to fetch, and much more.

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