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Got Cat Urine Smell Blues

I have a few hours left before my big party night and I'm just getting ready at home. The cats have all been taken to the local cattery to stay over night and be looked after.I've spent the entire day earlier tidying everything up and cleaning all the furniture.

If I do say so myself, I think the place looks wonderful. Then just when I am about to leave the house and check the last few doors are locked I get the most horrid smell I smelt that week. Cat urine! Yuck, it was horrible. One of the cats must have done it earlier and it had gone unnoticed until now since all the windows were open before but now they were shut keeping the smell inside the house. Surely, the cat smell should be gone. The rugs were shampooed.

The party starts in 4 hours and my house smells like industrial cleaner, air freshener and cat pee. It is very embarrassing when you have company over, your house is clean and your guests get a whiff of cat urine. Not good at all. If anyone reading this is experiencing similar problems with these smells and want to know how to get rid of your cats urine occurring again and again, here you go. Here are some home remedies to help you kick the odor.

Cats are clean animals which have peculiar ways. Often the most effective thing to do is ensure a cats litter box is always tidy. A cat will not urinate in its litter box if it can smell the odor of urine. Instead, it will find some other place to urinate like the carpet or that favorite rug which is so cozy.

A cat will urinate in the same spot until it can smell the unpleasant aroma of urine and then will seek another area. One economical recipe for curing cat urine odor and stains from the carpet is to use common household elements such as vinegar, water, peroxide and baking soda. Firstly, try to get rid of the majority of cat urine you can find in the carpet or floor by mopping it up with a damp towel. Dilute vinegar with 3 parts water and soak on soiled area.

After the place where your cat has urinated, place peroxide over it and then put a little baking soda over the affected area. Vacuum the excess. This is a cheap economical way to remove cat urine odor from rugs and similar areas in your home. Once I tried this home remedy, I realized that if I would just do this once or twice a week, my house would keep a fresh smell. The one key to keeping an odorless home, is to make sure that I am keeping the litter box as clean as possible so that the cats will feel comfortable peeing in their preferable place.

For more information about How to Eliminate Cat Urine Smell please visit www.how-to-clean-cat-urine.co.uk/how-to-eliminate-cat-urine-smell.html

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