How To Get Your Dog Into Search And Rescue TrainingSearch and rescue dog training is very complex training, and can take up to two years to fully complete most search and rescue dog training programs. The following paragraphs will discuss the general aspects and techniques involved in search and rescue dog training. First of all, only dogs in excellent physical shape, and pleasant temperament should be considered for search and rescue dog training. A dog that lacks energy and endurance, or a dog who responds badly to strangers, would not be a good candidate for search and rescue training. Since a search and rescue dog must cope with members of distraught families when victims are found, a strong dog gentle around people would be suitable for search and rescue dog training. The level of the dog's confidence makes a huge difference in search and rescue dog training. Because of this, socialization during search and rescue dog training will often include: ? different conditions ? different surfaces ? different people ? different surroundings During search and rescue dog training, dogs will become accustomed to things like traffic noises, strangers, boat noises, helicopter noises, and other like noises so they can learn to concentrate on search and rescue without fear or distraction. Scent training is another part of search and rescue dog training, and can be the most complex part. Scent training often requires that the dog owner learn how scent travels through the air and on the ground, and requires the dog learn to distinguish the scent of humans from everything else. Some dogs find human scent by smelling the air, while other dogs pick up human scent best from the ground. It is important for the dog handler to know the differences in how dog pick up human scent in order to get the most out of search and rescue dog training. Owners of dogs who are being trained for water searches must have some additional knowledge, in order for their dog to get the most out of search and rescue dog training. These dog owners must learn all about how the currents that can carry bodies, and the diffusion of scent. Search and rescue dog training is most effective when training begins when the dog is born. This will enable the puppy to be exposed to many different conditions, and it will encourage the puppy to solve problems. Search and rescue dog training, when began as a puppy, will help open the dogs mind to the more difficult tasks he will face on the job. Search And Rescue Dog Training and Puppy Training product reviews so you know you are only teaching your dog the very best techniques.
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