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Responsible Horse And Pony Owners Reap Rewards

Horses are known for their horse sense, horse power, loyalty, dedication and what not. They have become associated with man over the passage of time, since times immemorial. Horses and ponies have served man in many ways. A horse carriage or a horse cart is what comes to our mind at the first instance. As a means of transport from one place to another, horse drawn coaches have provided comfort, safety and reliability to the persons who travel by means of them. In certain places, horses work in agriculture farms.

By sheer diligence and industrious output, horses have endeared themselves to mankind. Stud farms have become the dream possession of animal lovers. The sight of a stallion with a black velvety and glossy coat, of good height and stature, sturdy, is enchanting for a horse breeder or a trainer. If the animal is fostered and trained by the person, a special attachment and a sentimental relationship get developed. Bonding cannot be depicted in a better way. Stable relationships get exemplified by horses.

Right from the moment they are born, horses are known to show friendliness and playfulness. A foal is a delightful creature that frolics and gambols, providing amusement to the onlookers. A foal is a true depiction of innocent fun, bundle of energy or a live wire. People can be excused if they show a wish to fondle and caress them. The horse also acknowledges this gesture and cherishes it as it grows up only to reciprocate and return this love in a grander manner.

An attitude of gratitude, so to say! However, training of horses is an area where many changes have taken place by way of research and development. Horses, ponies and mares can be expected to learn the ropes fast and deliver goods to the owner's satisfaction and pride. The grasping power of horses and ponies is phenomenal. But care needs to be taken to ensure that horses and ponies do not inculcate 'bad manners'. The situation of the horse going wild and berserk is enough to send shivers down the spine of a person.

Holding the reins is of paramount importance. Food and treats that conform to the basic nature and normal food habits are the healthiest. However, horses are known to have different tastes.

Generally, treats would consist of raisins, pitted dates, sugar cubes, apple pieces, hay cubes, carrot pieces, sunflower seeds, peppermints. Treats ought to be restricted, else a horse could be demanding and this would pose dangerous. Things that should be avoided under treats would include lawn, hedge or garden clippings, cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes, acorns, chocolates.

The last one has resulted in a horse getting tested positive for drugs. Ponies are miniature horses and are loved to be reared by one and all. Children especially are fond of ponies. Like horses ponies are generally smart, hard and sturdy, athletic, loveable. They continue beauty with intelligence. All in all, horses have proved to be resourceful for man.

They bring laurels in races and restore the wager's confidence. They toil productively in fields. They help carry goods from one place to another.

They serve as good playmates. Can man live without horses? Yes, but perhaps he would lack the horse power!.

#1 Horse And Pony Resource

Horses and ponies.


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