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The Truth Behind Creepy Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are one of the cutest animals on the face of the earth, they are plump little fur-balls that love to play and squeak. However some people say that they have creepy guinea pigs! This seems absurd to most, but the owners of the creepy guinea pigs find it quite frustrating and it is an incurable problem. Ninety nine times in a hundred it is the owners own misconceptions that skew their vision of their pet to make it seem like a creepy guinea pig. They might see it as something that could bite them, or scratch them, or that it will be lurking around the house when they don't know about it.

These things and many more make people think that they have a creepy guinea pig. The owners of the creepy guinea pigs are generally not the ones that think they are scary. The ones who get freaked out are most often the loved ones of the owner, like the siblings, parents, children, friends or anyone close to the owner, and because of this they cannot easily solve the problem by getting rid of the creepy guinea pig in question because the owner is very fond of it. For this reason, the only acceptable solution is just to stay away from the guinea pig if its presence is such a problem to the person.

Creepy guinea pigs are really not creepy at all, it is just creepy in the eye of the person who has altered attachments to them. Just like some people are afraid of spiders and some people have no trouble letting a spider crawl up their arm, and very similar to the belief some people have in aliens or ghosts there is no proof, it is just a collection of information they have in their mind that makes them believe one thing or another. So a creepy guinea pig is just a figment of your imagination. To get rid of the bad associations, try first patting the guinea pig lightly.

Do this for a while to implant the knowledge that they aren't dangerous and that it is actually quite a nice feeling patting their fur. Next try feeding one a carrot stick or one of their other favorite foods. After this try the last step of actually picking on up. If you can do all this without freaking out, then your fear of creepy guinea pigs should be eliminated, or in the worst case, you may just not like them, but that's still better than being freaked out by the cute little animals!.

If you want to know more about Guinea Pigs including free information, reviews and much more, then please visit www.GuineaPigsUncovered.com

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