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Training Your Dog Playing the Right Role

In order for any dog training to work for any dog, you have to play the right role in his life. Most dog trainers and professionals gain this by teaching the dog from the beginning that the trainer is the boss. Doing this simple thing, you can teach your animal anything else. Because dogs react in pack like instincts, you'll gain the benefit of being able to be the pack leader, and everything else will fall right in line with that for you. Once your dog respects you, it will make your training sessions much easier and more fun too.

I hope this tip helps you get ready to train you dog to be the best that they can be. Patience And Repetition While Training Your Dog One of the most difficult things for people to do is to have patience when it comes to training a puppy or a dog to behave in a specific way. Repetition will be the key to any type of dog training and ultimately this will define what the dog's behavior is over the long haul. In other words, it is important for you, as the dog owner, to invest the patience and the time in repeating actions over and over again until your puppy learns them. After a while, your dog will learn what you are teaching them and you won't have to repeat yourself so much.

It can be frustrating when you are starting out but try to be patient and remember that it will get much easier in the near future if you stick with it. The more time you put into training your dog, the faster they will learn new things too. Remember that the hand that trains is the hand that feeds. Typically, your dog will start bonding at feeding times.

Although others in the family may want to share in the feeding, at first it is best for one person to do the feeding. While all dogs have some level of dog behavior problems, it is essential for the owner to notice and address these problems as they arise. Using things like rewards as well as discipline can help to stop the poor behavior and instill better behaviors in your dog or puppy that you can be proud of. Be patient, gentle, speak soft, soothing, one word assurances.

Speak "NO" more strongly for unacceptable behavior. If you do not want the dog in certain rooms use your hand as a traffic cop and say firmly but gently "NO," and stay that way until the dog gets the message. Consistency, repetition and softness are the keys to successful training. Copyright (c) 2008 Cheap Puppy Pads.

Cheap Puppy Pads offers super absorbent puppy pads that take the hassle out of house training puppies. Great for puppies and for older dogs that are incontinent. Once the dog is accustomed to using the pads, they can be placed outdoors to encourage dogs to potty outside. Also, be sure to visit our site to sign up for free weekly dog training tips.

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