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What If Your Pets Used MySpace

Let's put aside our rational thinking for a moment, and imagine that pets start using Myspace. Sounds interesting? Well it is an interesting topic. To begin, would a pet call its owner its pet or its master? Or would it simply use the owner's first name? Let's assume that the pet and owner are on a first name basis. Also for simplicity's sake let's assume that the pet is a cat.

So what would a cat's favourite activity be? Some time with the scratching post maybe? How about playing with a ball of wool? Just like you and me, a cat has its own set of activities and pastimes. So, a cat on Myspace would be pretty much alone, there is no way a cat would enjoy going to Starbucks or have Britney Spears as her favourite singer; a cat would need to interact with other animals, preferably other cats. Not to mention, at this point we are also assuming that Myspace would actually have a profile designed for non-human species. For example, a Myspace profile has space to enter a user's gender but no place to enter an animal's species or the sub-species. Not to mention, there is no community that reads "meow-mix's new fish flavoured cat food is horrible".

Myspace may be the biggest social networking site, but it is in no way a social networking site for pets. Pets (as it stands today) have no single social networking site, or don't they? Believe it or not there is a new site on the internet that allows pets to register themselves and interact with other pets. Of course, it is the pet owners that register the pets, but think about it for a moment, a way for pet owners and pets alike to interact with each other.

And believe it or not there is absolutely nothing lost in translation. Justfurryfriends.com allows pet owners to register only their pets as members of the website (sorry! owners have to use Myspace). What is interesting about justfurryfriends.

com is that there are no registration charges and unlike other pet websites, the website is genuinely trying to help people find what they are looking for. As far as pet website's go, justfurryfriends.com is ruling the roost at the moment. There are other websites that allow pet owners to upload photos and display a bio, but it takes a specialized social networking site designed just for animals to bring everything together.

Comparable to any social networking site, justfurryfriends.com offers blogs, friend lists, picture uploads and other social networking features. If you are a pet owner and want to know how you can make the most of your pet experience or simply want to speak to other pet owners, the best option is registering with niche sites like justfurryfriends.

com. Remember, just like human beings your pet will be in good company and meet other pets online. Of course, as a pet owner you also stand a good chance of meeting other pet owners in the same area, so in essence it's not just a pet social networking site.

How do you go about finding a friend for your dog or cat? If you are a member of justfurryfriends.com don't worry. The website allows users to search for other pets based on various criteria, and the best part is that users can actually view a full bio of pets that interest them.

Since justfurryfriends.com is perhaps the only social networking site for pets, a pet owner can actually view photos of other pets to decide which pets they would like his/her pet to be friends with. In addition, all profiles are rated by other members, so one can get a better idea of the popularity of the profiles they are looking at. If you are looking for a friend for your pet, a visit to justfurrybabys.com is a must.

Onyx is the Author of "What If Your Pets Used MySpace". Onyx is a 3 year old black & white cat and cofounder of JustFurryFriends.com. You can read all about her antics and experiences by checking out her JustFurryFriends.com Profile.

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